Software Accelerator - Light blue and white logo

Ready to Build a Software Solution to Sell?

Who is this for?

New or experienced entrepreneurs who:

  • Want to build a software company
  • Understand a problem that software can solve
  • Are business-minded
  • Software developer (optional)

Did you know?

Software built in Sioux Falls...

  • runs thousands of medical clinics
  • emails millions of members every day
  • connects hundreds of SAAS software tools to each other
  • helps thousands of dealers sell cars
  • enables thousands of public safety agencies to keep 3 of every 4 citizens safe?

Hear how Software Accelerator has helped local entrepreneurs like you:

Program Details

The Software Accelerator is a 10-session program designed to guide and mentor software startup founders. It encompasses a comprehensive curriculum that follows the CO.STARTERS growth canvas proven effective in our 3-years of running CO.STARTERS core. Participants will refine their software business ideas, develop scalable software solutions, and gain the skills to pitch their ideas effectively to earn investment dollars or loans to launch their software. They will also have access to an extensive network of software industry experts and potential investors.

Session 1

Knowing Yourself

Session 6

Structures & Systems

Session 2

Knowing Your Customer

Session 7

Discovering the Bottom Line

Session 3

Find the Right Solution

Session 8

Financial Modeling

Session 4

Getting the Relationship Right

Session 9

Planning for Growth

Session 5

Building Blocks

Session 10

Celebration Night